- * WMSKL(I) Shines in Cambridge Top Learner Awards
- * WMSKLI Alumna Shares Inspiring Journey at Cambridge Top Learner Awards
- * Mid Autumn Festival Food Sale
- WMSKL(I) Honours Day 2024
- * CUCF Camp 2023/2024 - Alive
- * Crossroads Event : WMSKLP - MCKL
- * Adopt A Terrapin
- * Back-To-School Bites
- * Expert In The House From The One Academy
- * Minggu Patriotik Celebration -26 August 2024
- * WMSKLP 34th Honours' Day
- * Teacher & Staff Team-Building Retreat
- * 21st Annual LEO Farewell
- * Orientation Day
- * Interact Farewell 2024
- * Interact Installation 2024
- * 21st Annual LEO Installation
- * Melbourne Study Tour 2024
- * Visit to Hospital Selayang
- * IGCSE Result Release
- * School Leavers
- * Skincare and Acne Talk
- * Outward Bound
- * Rising Arrows
- * Community Service
- * Public Speaking Competiton
- * Skyline Luge Outing
- * SPCA Visit Report
- * STEM Week
- * National Fencing Championship 2024
- * Malaysian Poetry Activist Award
- * Study Abroad Education Talk
- * Orang Asli Visit 2024
- * PEA Part 7- Games For All
- * Wesley Open Chess Tournament
- * Alumni Stories
- * PEA Part 6 - Community Service
- * PEA Part 5 - Mind Games
- * Establishing Boundaries
- * The Go-Getter Program
- * PEA Part 4 - SCI
- * Unity Day
- * PEA Part 3 - Fieldtrip & Paintball
- * International Relationship Week 2024
- * PEA Part 2 - CCL
- * AUSMAT High Achievers - Sunway College
- * Above and Beyond Borders
- * PEA Part 1 - Inter-class Drama/Play
- * Visit from SUPM
- * WMSKL Alumni Homecoming
- * Asia Korfball Championships 2024
- * IU Day
- * Cocu Day
- * WMSKLP PTC Feb 2024
- * CNY Celebrations
- * 2023 Video Rewind
- * The QCEC (2023) Hi-Tea
- * Cross country 2024
- * Teaching Career with A Purpose
- * SPM Tips & Tricks (BM)
- * Visit from MGS & ACS
- * Sports For All 2023
- * Hari Antirasuah Antarabangsa 2023
- * MSSWPKL Off Season Vlleyball
- * Humanities Week
- * Trip to Kuala Lumpur
- * Deepavali Celebrations 2023
- * Orphanage Visit 2023
- * Queen's Commonwealth Essay Competition 2023
- * Founder's Day 2023
- * Sports Day 2023
- * The Honours Day 2023
- * Interact Grand Talent Gala
- * Coffee Date
- * Crossroads
- * Parent-Teacher Conference
- * Language Week
- * Patriotic Week
- * Trash Fashion
- * National unity in vibrant colour
- * CHAMPION - The Inter-school public speaking competition 2023
- * BB Activity: Building Bonds through Paintbrush
- * Hari Raya Celebration in WMSKL
- * PEA 1_Field Trip to FRIM
- * Easter Celebration Service 2023
- * Orientation Day 2023
- * Good Things Come In Threes
- * Dedication Service 2023
- * No Apologies Workshop 2023
- * News: 'To Oxbridge we go'
- * The MCKL Scholarship Talk
- * The Honours Day 2023
- * Sports Day 2023-Part 3
- * Sports Day 2023-Part 2
- * Sports Day 2023 -Part 1
- * Equipping students for the Real World
- * Sports Day Practice 2023
- * ‘ Book REVIEW Competition ’ - Humanities Week Journey 2
- * REPURPOSE - Humanities Week Journey 3
- Our teacher wins the Microsoft Reading Progress Contest
- * Cambridge IGCSE Results 2022
- * Microsoft Reading Progress Contest
- * Chinese Cultural Week - CNY Celebration 2023
- * Book Donation Drive 2022
- * Majalah Terbitan DBP
- * Chinese Book Fair
- * The Queen’s Commonwealth Essay Competition 2022
- * ' REVISIT the Past ' - Humanities Week Journey 1
- * Boys' Brigade 1st Parade of the Year
- * Annual Cross Country 2022/2023
- * Outstanding Cambridge Learners in Malaysia (Top in Malaysia)
- * Outstanding Cambridge Learners in Malaysia (Top In the World)
- * First Place - Action on Climate Change
- * Champion - PLANET LEGO - School Challenge
- * Overall Champion Scholar (Junior Category) in the World Scholar's Cup Penang II Round 2022
- * INFO DAY_3 DEC 2022
- * Our Excellent Cikgu Pandian
* Humanities Week
Wesley Methodist School Kuala Lumpur (Private)

Theme: Global Colony
Humanities Week at WMSKLP carries a global colony theme which aims to encompass 4 journeys. Through role play, global review, where sports meet the culture and fashion day, the event seeks to inspire secondary school students to explore the world of diverse culture and its potential for education and addressing global challenges.
- Focus on the interconnectedness of the world and how the humanities help us understand and address global challenges to cultural exchange.
- Experience different cultures globally through watching, reading and exploring.
- Journey 1 – Role play: To convey the global message on humanity. Students are assigned to movies such as Paskal, Bukit Kepong, Leftenan Adnan and Komunis di Tanah Melayu. Theme of role play is Unity and students are able to show their theme on their role play.
- Journey 2 – Global review: Evaluate and analyse the content of the global education issue. Identify the solutions to the author’s approach and argument by articulating thoughts and analysis clearly and persuasively in the review by developing diverse viewpoints.
- Journey 3 – Where sports meet culture: Encourages students to focus on the interconnectedness of the world through sports but also promotes teamwork, critical thinking, global awareness and cultural appreciation among students. Students exhibited different sports from different countries by researching and showcasing the artefacts. Indonesia, India, China, Japan, South Korea.
- Journey 4 – Fashion day: To provide a platform to showcase Malaysian and other cultures through their fashion design. Students innovatively explored and developed a desired fashion with purpose and uniqueness. Fashion Day raised awareness and education about the significance of fashion, its impact on culture and its role in self-expression and identity. They put in so much effort to sew the clothes and at the same time mix and matching different accessories to achieve the purpose.
Humanities week has provided a rich tapestry of exploration into the diverse aspects of human expression, culture, and thought. Through literature, art and history, we’ve woven a narrative that celebrates the depth and breadth of our shared human experience. To sum up, the understanding that humanities not only shape our past but also illuminate the path to a more enlightened future is instilled among students.