
* Adopt A Terrapin

Wesley Methodist School Kuala Lumpur (International)

Adopt A Terrapin

The weekend of 24th August 2024 was an unforgettable adventure for the Leo Club of Wesley Methodist School. 38 eager members, led by Organizing Chairperson Ms. Lee Yin Xin, set off at 6:30 am, brimming with excitement and purpose. After a brief breakfast stop, they arrived at the Turtle Conservation and Information Centre by 10:30 am, greeted by enchanting views of a golden beach and sparkling ocean.

The staff welcomed the Leos, guiding them to an audio session about Malaysia’s turtles, including the extinct Penyu Belimbing. Armed with new knowledge, the members engaged in conservation tasks like beach cleaning and hatchery maintenance, each step contributing to the preservation of the marine ecosystem. A rewarding morning was followed by a classic McDonald’s lunch and a restful afternoon at the Hallmark Crown Hotel.

As evening fell, the Leos witnessed the awe-inspiring release of terrapin hatchlings, a poignant reminder of their efforts’ importance. The day concluded with a vibrant visit to Jonker Street’s bustling night market, where they enjoyed local delicacies and the lively atmosphere.

The next day began with a leisurely breakfast before heading to the Kasih Sayang Angel Charity Home. Warmly welcomed by Mr. Isaac and other club members, the Leos bonded with the children through games, singing, and dancing. A simple Q&A session with prizes brought more smiles and gratitude.

Before departing, Ms. Lee Yin Xin expressed heartfelt thanks, and a group photo captured the special moment. The return journey included a nostalgic snack stop and a video session to capture memories. By 6:00pm, they arrived back at school, their hearts full of a weekend of meaningful experiences.

This trip was more than an event, it was a transformative journey, highlighting the importance of environmental stewardship and the joy of giving back, leaving a lasting impact on every Leo member involved.