- * WMSKL(I) Shines in Cambridge Top Learner Awards
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- * Mid Autumn Festival Food Sale
- WMSKL(I) Honours Day 2024
- * CUCF Camp 2023/2024 - Alive
- * Crossroads Event : WMSKLP - MCKL
- * Adopt A Terrapin
- * Back-To-School Bites
- * Expert In The House From The One Academy
- * Minggu Patriotik Celebration -26 August 2024
- * WMSKLP 34th Honours' Day
- * Teacher & Staff Team-Building Retreat
- * 21st Annual LEO Farewell
- * Orientation Day
- * Interact Farewell 2024
- * Interact Installation 2024
- * 21st Annual LEO Installation
- * Melbourne Study Tour 2024
- * Visit to Hospital Selayang
- * IGCSE Result Release
- * School Leavers
- * Skincare and Acne Talk
- * Outward Bound
- * Rising Arrows
- * Community Service
- * Public Speaking Competiton
- * Skyline Luge Outing
- * SPCA Visit Report
- * STEM Week
- * National Fencing Championship 2024
- * Malaysian Poetry Activist Award
- * Study Abroad Education Talk
- * Orang Asli Visit 2024
- * PEA Part 7- Games For All
- * Wesley Open Chess Tournament
- * Alumni Stories
- * PEA Part 6 - Community Service
- * PEA Part 5 - Mind Games
- * Establishing Boundaries
- * The Go-Getter Program
- * PEA Part 4 - SCI
- * Unity Day
- * PEA Part 3 - Fieldtrip & Paintball
- * International Relationship Week 2024
- * PEA Part 2 - CCL
- * AUSMAT High Achievers - Sunway College
- * Above and Beyond Borders
- * PEA Part 1 - Inter-class Drama/Play
- * Visit from SUPM
- * WMSKL Alumni Homecoming
- * Asia Korfball Championships 2024
- * IU Day
- * Cocu Day
- * WMSKLP PTC Feb 2024
- * CNY Celebrations
- * 2023 Video Rewind
- * The QCEC (2023) Hi-Tea
- * Cross country 2024
- * Teaching Career with A Purpose
- * SPM Tips & Tricks (BM)
- * Visit from MGS & ACS
- * Sports For All 2023
- * Hari Antirasuah Antarabangsa 2023
- * MSSWPKL Off Season Vlleyball
- * Humanities Week
- * Trip to Kuala Lumpur
- * Deepavali Celebrations 2023
- * Orphanage Visit 2023
- * Queen's Commonwealth Essay Competition 2023
- * Founder's Day 2023
- * Sports Day 2023
- * The Honours Day 2023
- * Interact Grand Talent Gala
- * Coffee Date
- * Crossroads
- * Parent-Teacher Conference
- * Language Week
- * Patriotic Week
- * Trash Fashion
- * National unity in vibrant colour
- * CHAMPION - The Inter-school public speaking competition 2023
- * BB Activity: Building Bonds through Paintbrush
- * Hari Raya Celebration in WMSKL
- * PEA 1_Field Trip to FRIM
- * Easter Celebration Service 2023
- * Orientation Day 2023
- * Good Things Come In Threes
- * Dedication Service 2023
- * No Apologies Workshop 2023
- * News: 'To Oxbridge we go'
- * The MCKL Scholarship Talk
- * The Honours Day 2023
- * Sports Day 2023-Part 3
- * Sports Day 2023-Part 2
- * Sports Day 2023 -Part 1
- * Equipping students for the Real World
- * Sports Day Practice 2023
- * ‘ Book REVIEW Competition ’ - Humanities Week Journey 2
- * REPURPOSE - Humanities Week Journey 3
- Our teacher wins the Microsoft Reading Progress Contest
- * Cambridge IGCSE Results 2022
- * Microsoft Reading Progress Contest
- * Chinese Cultural Week - CNY Celebration 2023
- * Book Donation Drive 2022
- * Majalah Terbitan DBP
- * Chinese Book Fair
- * The Queen’s Commonwealth Essay Competition 2022
- * ' REVISIT the Past ' - Humanities Week Journey 1
- * Boys' Brigade 1st Parade of the Year
- * Annual Cross Country 2022/2023
- * Outstanding Cambridge Learners in Malaysia (Top in Malaysia)
- * Outstanding Cambridge Learners in Malaysia (Top In the World)
- * First Place - Action on Climate Change
- * Champion - PLANET LEGO - School Challenge
- * Overall Champion Scholar (Junior Category) in the World Scholar's Cup Penang II Round 2022
- * INFO DAY_3 DEC 2022
- * Our Excellent Cikgu Pandian
* Orientation Day
Wesley Methodist School Kuala Lumpur (International)

Orientation Day – The start of the transformative journey for our new students
Wesley Methodist School Kuala Lumpur (International) was alive with excitement as it hosted the Year 7 Orientation Day on Saturday, 10 August 2024. Running from 7:30am to 12:00pm, the event marked a significant milestone for the newest members of the WMSKLI community as they embarked on their secondary school journey.
The day began promptly at 7:30am with students and parents arriving at Wesley Hall. A warm and welcoming atmosphere immediately greeted them, as the school’s administrative staff and teachers welcomed the newcomers with smiles and open arms. Parents and students were guided to their respective registration counters, where they received orientation packs containing essential information about the school, class timetables, the school diary, and the much-anticipated WMSKLI Year 7 Handbook.
At 8:00am, the formal program commenced with a welcome address by the school principal, Mr. Wong Chee Kheon. In his speech, he emphasized the importance of this transition from primary to secondary education and how WMSKLI is dedicated to nurturing each student’s potential. “We are here to support your growth, not just academically, but also in your character and values,” he said, setting an inspiring tone for the school year ahead.
Following the principal’s speech, the students were divided into small groups for a campus tour led by student leaders. The tour offered Year 7 students a glimpse of their new learning environment, introducing them to key locations such as the science labs, library, sports facilities, and the cafeteria. The student leaders also shared their own experiences at WMSKLI, offering valuable tips on navigating the school and making the most of their time here.
Meanwhile, parents were invited to a special briefing session in the hall. This session covered crucial information about the school’s academic expectations, co-curricular activities, and support services. Parents also had the opportunity to participate in a Q&A session with the school leadership team, ensuring that all their concerns and questions were addressed.
The final segment of the orientation day featured booths arranged around the courtyard, showcasing a variety of activities, including the girl brigade, boy brigade, peer mentoring, and counselling services, each providing valuable information and engaging demonstrations of their programs.
The Year 7 Orientation Day at WMSKLI was a resounding success, setting a positive and encouraging tone for the start of the new academic year. The school community eagerly anticipates seeing these young students thrive and grow as they begin this exciting chapter of their educational journey.