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- * Mid Autumn Festival Food Sale
- WMSKL(I) Honours Day 2024
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- * Minggu Patriotik Celebration -26 August 2024
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- * 21st Annual LEO Farewell
- * Orientation Day
- * Interact Farewell 2024
- * Interact Installation 2024
- * 21st Annual LEO Installation
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- * IGCSE Result Release
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- * Skyline Luge Outing
- * SPCA Visit Report
- * STEM Week
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- * Malaysian Poetry Activist Award
- * Study Abroad Education Talk
- * Orang Asli Visit 2024
- * PEA Part 7- Games For All
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- * Alumni Stories
- * PEA Part 6 - Community Service
- * PEA Part 5 - Mind Games
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- * The Go-Getter Program
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- * Unity Day
- * PEA Part 3 - Fieldtrip & Paintball
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- * MSSWPKL Off Season Vlleyball
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- * Trip to Kuala Lumpur
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- * Orphanage Visit 2023
- * Queen's Commonwealth Essay Competition 2023
- * Founder's Day 2023
- * Sports Day 2023
- * The Honours Day 2023
- * Interact Grand Talent Gala
- * Coffee Date
- * Crossroads
- * Parent-Teacher Conference
- * Language Week
- * Patriotic Week
- * Trash Fashion
- * National unity in vibrant colour
- * CHAMPION - The Inter-school public speaking competition 2023
- * BB Activity: Building Bonds through Paintbrush
- * Hari Raya Celebration in WMSKL
- * PEA 1_Field Trip to FRIM
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- * Orientation Day 2023
- * Good Things Come In Threes
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- * Sports Day 2023-Part 3
- * Sports Day 2023-Part 2
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- * Sports Day Practice 2023
- * ‘ Book REVIEW Competition ’ - Humanities Week Journey 2
- * REPURPOSE - Humanities Week Journey 3
- Our teacher wins the Microsoft Reading Progress Contest
- * Cambridge IGCSE Results 2022
- * Microsoft Reading Progress Contest
- * Chinese Cultural Week - CNY Celebration 2023
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- * Majalah Terbitan DBP
- * Chinese Book Fair
- * The Queen’s Commonwealth Essay Competition 2022
- * ' REVISIT the Past ' - Humanities Week Journey 1
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- * Outstanding Cambridge Learners in Malaysia (Top in Malaysia)
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- * First Place - Action on Climate Change
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- * INFO DAY_3 DEC 2022
- * Our Excellent Cikgu Pandian
* Orang Asli Visit 2024
Wesley Methodist School Kuala Lumpur (Girl's Brigade)

Girls’ Brigade Outing: A Memorable Visit to Kampung Orang Asli Sungai Kelubi
On May 11, 2024, the Girls’ Brigade organized an outing to Kampung Orang Asli Sungai Kelubi. This event aimed to assist the aboriginal community, foster bonds with them, and introduce them to the values and mission of the Girls’ Brigade.
The day began at 7:30 a.m. with the participants gathering outside 8 Matthew. Captain Cordilia Anne commenced the briefing, emphasizing the importance of punctuality. Once inside, Lieutenant Norita Uluk reminded everyone to maintain exemplary behavior throughout the outing. Before departure, Captain Cordilia Anne conducted a session on voice projection, ensuring everyone could communicate effectively during the day.
By 8:30 a.m., the group was ready to embark on their journey. A photo session marked the start, after which the participants divided into two vans. Maeve Michelle found herself in the same van as Lieutenant Norita Uluk. The group reached Rawang in under an hour, only to discover that the driver had taken a wrong turn.
At 10:00 a.m., they found themselves on a narrow path surrounded by diverse plant species. Concern grew among them as Lieutenant Norita Uluk attempted to call for help but was hindered by a lack of signal. Fortunately, a passing lorry provided directions. While navigating through the path, they received messages from the other group indicating similar navigation issues.
The situation worsened when the van got stuck in the mud at an oil palm farm. The same lorry drivers from earlier came to their rescue, pulling the van out. Meanwhile, the other group had already reached the destination by 11:00 a.m., while Maeve’s group stopped at a gas station to refresh themselves with bread and drinks, courtesy of Lieutenant Norita Uluk.
They resumed their journey and arrived at 11:30 a.m. The girls engaged the villagers in drills and arts and crafts activities, which Maeve captured in photos. Lieutenant Uluk then shared God’s word, followed by a gift-giving session, enriching the experience for everyone involved.
At 12:30 p.m., they handed out handwritten notes to the villagers and headed for lunch at McDonald’s. The meal was a delightful end to their adventure, recharging them for the trip back. Upon returning to school, they had a brief sharing session before heading home by 4:00 p.m.
In conclusion, the outing was an enjoyable and memorable experience. It taught the participants the importance of caring for and helping those less fortunate. Many look forward to participating in more such meaningful outings in the future.