- * WMSKL(I) Shines in Cambridge Top Learner Awards
- * WMSKLI Alumna Shares Inspiring Journey at Cambridge Top Learner Awards
- * Mid Autumn Festival Food Sale
- WMSKL(I) Honours Day 2024
- * CUCF Camp 2023/2024 - Alive
- * Crossroads Event : WMSKLP - MCKL
- * Adopt A Terrapin
- * Back-To-School Bites
- * Expert In The House From The One Academy
- * Minggu Patriotik Celebration -26 August 2024
- * WMSKLP 34th Honours' Day
- * Teacher & Staff Team-Building Retreat
- * 21st Annual LEO Farewell
- * Orientation Day
- * Interact Farewell 2024
- * Interact Installation 2024
- * 21st Annual LEO Installation
- * Melbourne Study Tour 2024
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- * IGCSE Result Release
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- * National Fencing Championship 2024
- * Malaysian Poetry Activist Award
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- * Orang Asli Visit 2024
- * PEA Part 7- Games For All
- * Wesley Open Chess Tournament
- * Alumni Stories
- * PEA Part 6 - Community Service
- * PEA Part 5 - Mind Games
- * Establishing Boundaries
- * The Go-Getter Program
- * PEA Part 4 - SCI
- * Unity Day
- * PEA Part 3 - Fieldtrip & Paintball
- * International Relationship Week 2024
- * PEA Part 2 - CCL
- * AUSMAT High Achievers - Sunway College
- * Above and Beyond Borders
- * PEA Part 1 - Inter-class Drama/Play
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- * WMSKLP PTC Feb 2024
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- * 2023 Video Rewind
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- * Cross country 2024
- * Teaching Career with A Purpose
- * SPM Tips & Tricks (BM)
- * Visit from MGS & ACS
- * Sports For All 2023
- * Hari Antirasuah Antarabangsa 2023
- * MSSWPKL Off Season Vlleyball
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- * Trip to Kuala Lumpur
- * Deepavali Celebrations 2023
- * Orphanage Visit 2023
- * Queen's Commonwealth Essay Competition 2023
- * Founder's Day 2023
- * Sports Day 2023
- * The Honours Day 2023
- * Interact Grand Talent Gala
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- * Crossroads
- * Parent-Teacher Conference
- * Language Week
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- * Trash Fashion
- * National unity in vibrant colour
- * CHAMPION - The Inter-school public speaking competition 2023
- * BB Activity: Building Bonds through Paintbrush
- * Hari Raya Celebration in WMSKL
- * PEA 1_Field Trip to FRIM
- * Easter Celebration Service 2023
- * Orientation Day 2023
- * Good Things Come In Threes
- * Dedication Service 2023
- * No Apologies Workshop 2023
- * News: 'To Oxbridge we go'
- * The MCKL Scholarship Talk
- * The Honours Day 2023
- * Sports Day 2023-Part 3
- * Sports Day 2023-Part 2
- * Sports Day 2023 -Part 1
- * Equipping students for the Real World
- * Sports Day Practice 2023
- * ‘ Book REVIEW Competition ’ - Humanities Week Journey 2
- * REPURPOSE - Humanities Week Journey 3
- Our teacher wins the Microsoft Reading Progress Contest
- * Cambridge IGCSE Results 2022
- * Microsoft Reading Progress Contest
- * Chinese Cultural Week - CNY Celebration 2023
- * Book Donation Drive 2022
- * Majalah Terbitan DBP
- * Chinese Book Fair
- * The Queen’s Commonwealth Essay Competition 2022
- * ' REVISIT the Past ' - Humanities Week Journey 1
- * Boys' Brigade 1st Parade of the Year
- * Annual Cross Country 2022/2023
- * Outstanding Cambridge Learners in Malaysia (Top in Malaysia)
- * Outstanding Cambridge Learners in Malaysia (Top In the World)
- * First Place - Action on Climate Change
- * Champion - PLANET LEGO - School Challenge
- * Overall Champion Scholar (Junior Category) in the World Scholar's Cup Penang II Round 2022
- * INFO DAY_3 DEC 2022
- * Our Excellent Cikgu Pandian
* Cross country 2024
Wesley Methodist School Kuala Lumpur

On the 20th of January 2024, the LEO Club and Interact Club of Wesley Methodist School jointly co-organised the school’s Leo Interact Cross Country event. The event aimed to raise funds for Methodist Crisis Relief & Development (MCRD) and Majlis Kanser Nasional (MAKNA). It took place in Taman Metropolitan Park Kepong, where students, teachers, parents, and alumni from the school participated in the charity run.
After LEO and Interact members arrived at the venue early to set up the tents and stations, as well as conduct a final check, the event commenced at 7:30 a.m. Wesleyan students gathered at the assembly point, and their attendance was taken, while VIPs and a group of youth from MAKNA and MCRD arrived. Following that, the opening ceremony kicked off with a short morning prayer by teacher Ms. Cryzel Gan. Subsequently, the Principal of WMSKL(I), Mr. Wong Chee Kheon, delivered an inspiring speech to remind students about the importance of the struggle against cancer and formally officiated the event. A lively warm-up session was then led by the PE teachers and students of WMSKL(P) to fire up all participants for the run.
At around 8:30 a.m., students from Year 7 to 9 were then flagged off, followed by parents, teachers, alumni, and finally, the Upper Secondary students. Students from Year 7 to 8, parents, teachers, and alumni were only required to run one round around the lake, which was approximately 3.7 km long. Students from Year 9 to Year 11, on the other hand, were challenged to run two full rounds, totalling 7.4 km.
LEO and Interact members were on station duty, aided by PBSM members, ensured runners received an adequate supply of water as they ran and were also on watch for any medical accidents. Participants took the opportunity not only to test their fitness and compete for the elusive medals and trophies but also to appreciate the nature around them and forge stronger bonds with their peers.
After two hours, the race concluded around 10:30 a.m. Subsequently, a brief prize-giving ceremony took place, during which medals and trophies were awarded to the first ten students, both male and female, from each year’s category who crossed the finishing line. Medals were also presented to the two fastest teachers, as well as to first two parents and alumni who successfully completed the race. Our guests of honour from MAKNA and MCRD were not forgotten; they received medals as a token of appreciation for participating in the event.
At around 11:15 a.m., the event officially ended, and participants were allowed to return home. LEO and Interact members remained to clean up the venue, ensuring that the park was left just as it had been before we stepped foot on it. After that, a short photo-taking session was held, and they were promptly dismissed.
All in all, this event was an incredible success as it encouraged participants to push their physical limits by testing their determination and perseverance with a long run. Students also collected a substantial sum of monetary donations to be channelled towards MCRD, helping them alleviate the plight of those affected by crises, disasters, and wars, and MAKNA, supporting their struggle against cancer in Malaysia. It was a powerful lesson for the almost 1,400 members of our schooling community that even though our individual contributions may seem insignificant, our combined efforts and collective action can make an incredible difference in our society.