

* Sports Day 2023

Wesley Methodist School Kuala Lumpur 38th Annual Sports Day 2023

* Sports Day 2023

Wesley Methodist School Kuala Lumpur’s spectacular Sports Day, on 19 October 2023.

WMSKLI has taken this opportunity to deviate from its academics to demonstrate the wonderful physical and artistic prowess of our students, and what better way to do so than to start with our annual March Past. Our boys and girls from all 4 houses have displayed immense creativity through their costumes and decorations – all in an effort to win 1st place! Let’s not forget our Girls’ and Boys’ Brigade Fancy Drill, the hallmark signifying our school’s Christian values.

Of course, any sports event could not be complete without a Gymrama session, where our students, again, managed to display their creative efforts through a series of artistic movements and cheer to demonstrate their competitive spirit.

Finally, we come to the pièce de resistance, the main event itself: our Sports Events. Here, we have seen how our students displayed tremendous strength and tenacity to fight for their house through a series of events such as the 100m runs and relay runs. Indeed, it was rough; it was tough, but our students pulled through and we appreciate the efforts of all our students who made this lively event possible!


Throughout the event, our students showed their roaring support for their respective sports houses:
